Department of Youth Ministry


As the Christian Endeavour Movement was sweeping across the globe during early part of the twentieth century, the Youth Ministry among the Western Sümi Churches began with the formation of Christian Endeavour (CE) in 1947 by Mr. Ghonito Zhimomi, Nihokhü village and Late Shikhevi, Kiyevi village with a purpose of having fellowship among the churches. The first session for CE was held at Sakipheto (Khehoyi) M.E. School during 8-10 August 1947 with 200 delegates attended including the host village. During those nascent years CE meeting was the only annual conference for the Western Sümis where old and young could gather annually.

From the year 1960 to 1962, due to Indo-Naga political imbroglio the entire Western Sümi region was divided into three zones:

  1. S. K. Area (Aqahuto Area);
  2. Sakipheto Area (Alato Area) and
  3. Hovishe Area (Niuland Area)

and Christian Endeavour conference was also held according to this zone. When Western Churches were merged into the Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (SBAK), CE conference was discontinued from 1963 to 1967. However, in 1967 during annual conference at Zhüikhu village, some section of Pastors resolved to renew CE conference for the Western Sümi churches. Thus, began Youth Ministry among the churches in Western Sümi region of Nagaland – the beginning of Youth Department, WSBAK.

Since its inception, the Youth Department has been developing immensely till date. Moreover, Youth Department is now one of the most useful instruments for moulding and nurturing the youth under WSBAK. Currently there are 178 Churches full-fledged Youth Ministry with the total population of 13,000 young people.