Department of Planning and Development

The Western Sümi Community Development Project (WSCDP) which is the development Wing of WSBAK was registered on September 26, 2000, with the view to promote various social and economic programs to uplift the Society and its members.

The aim of the society is to undertake various socio-economic activities, sponsor finance and other helps with the objective of benefiting the underprivileged and the destitute men and women, youth, children, orphans, handicapped and others. with the objective of elevating the status of women and orphans of low income group especially in the rural areas, the society aims to generate employment opportunities, organize various vocational training and welfare programs, to raise fund by way of receiving donations from member/non-members and to obtain loans/projects from Central & State Government and Non-Governmental Agencies in order to achieve the target of the society.

The society seeks to promote social, cultural and educational exchange by facilitating vocational training to uneducated men, women and underprivileged youth both in and outside the state and also to work towards promoting health care centre and establish hospitals especially for mothers, childcare, drug addicts and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs)